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Passengers hoped this ‘time traveling’ flight would give them two New …

페이지 정보

작성자 Melissa 작성일24-01-11 20:30 조회63회 댓글0건


Passengers hoped this ‘time traveling’ flight would give them two New Year’s Eves – but they arrived in the wrong year
Passengers on a United Airlines flight hoping to travel back in time for New Year’s got off to an unfortunate start in 2024.
Flight UA200 was originally scheduled to depart Guam at 7:35 a.m. on January 1, 2024, and land in Honolulu, Hawaii at 6:50 p.m. on December 31, 2023 – traveling across time zones to take passengers back a year.
“You only live once, but you can celebrate New Year’s Eve twice!” United Airlines had tweeted earlier that week. In a separate Instagram post about Flight UA200, it wrote: “Time travel is real.”
Time zone jumping for New Year’s isn’t a new practice – each year, a handful of flights offer passengers a chance to re-do their New Year’s Eve celebrations, with airline crews sometimes marking the occasion multiple times in a single route.


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